Training Programs


PSPA Training Programs have been developed as an essential foundation of education for all Private Security Professionals.

Private Security Professionals must be well trained and knowledgeable. They must have available to them up-to-date employer resources including but not limited to policies and procedures applicable to each job-at-hand in addition to accessible and effective senior and/or executive level operational and legal guidance. The ability to understand and comply with today’s ever-changing laws, rules, and regulations, coupled with job-site-specific policies and procedures is paramount to the success of the Private Security Professional and those with whom he/she serves.

PSPA advocates that all Private Security Professionals meet all applicable federal, state, and local requirement(s) prior to any deployment for work. Additionally, PSPA advocates that all Private Security Professionals acquire and retain all requisite educational skillsets and hands-on field training necessary to lawfully, safely and effectively perform all general, as well as, site-specific job requirements, policies, procedures and best practices prior to any deployment for work.

As with all educational and/or training programs, continuing education and refresher training must be sought in order to remain current with today’s ever-changing laws, rules, regulations, and best practices.

Program Instructions

All PSPA Training Programs (described below) are offered to all PSPA “Registered” Members.

Upon successful completion of any PSPA Training Program (including State Required Training) registered members are offered the opportunity to re-take a successfully completed program, an unlimited number of times, at no additional cost.

To re-take a successfully completed program, simply depresses the Click Here - To Start Your Refresher Training Program - Link which is only displayed once a program has been successfully completed and the Registered Member is logged-in.

Certificates of Completion are immediately posted within your Virtual Office after successful completion and available for: view, download, and/or forward (via email) as deemed appropriate.

For Best Results, maintain your Virtual Office (file folders) which includes your “Manage Your Account” and “Manage Your Biography / Resume” to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.


Effective Career Development

Career development is often described as the process that forms an individual’s work identity. Career development is a significant part of human development and spans over an individual's entire lifetime, beginning when an individual first becomes aware of how people make a living.

For most individuals, career development occurs without any intervention from others. Most begin to think about occupational choices early in life, while others won't give the subject much thought until they are relatively close to seeking employment.

While most individuals go through this cognitive thinking process independently, almost everyone can benefit from expert career guidance. Advice from a career counselor or other similarly trained specialist coupled with applicable training and education can measurably improve chances of placement within a chosen career field as well as foster improved job satisfaction, overall success, and opportunity for promotion.

With this, people who are skilled and knowledgeable are the ones who are most likely to be hired, while those who don’t may not make it past the second round of screening.

For those individuals who made it, their overall abilities (more often than not) aided in their quest for getting hired. For those who did not, their lack of formal education, ability, skills, and know-how (more often than not) served as a barrier to getting hired.

Fundamentally speaking, those seeking employment or continued employment must understand the importance of career development. Effective career development aids in obtaining desired objectives, both during the job search and while employed. Effective career development can significantly improve the opportunity for increased employment longevity, promotion, pay, incentives, bonuses, benefits, job flexibility, and overall job satisfaction.

In the end, an employer’s objective is to maximize its human resources productivity to best achieve its goals. With this, on-going career development (weather employer provided or employee sought) aids in that outlook by ensuring the best match between people and jobs.

Effective Workforce Training

Today’s “Security Professionals” can measurably contribute to the success of a company when they are effectively trained to perform their job. Effective training should be conducted during new-hire orientation and on-going throughout an employs’ tenure.

Effective training must be endorsed, branded and promoted at the executive level within an organization; then integrated into policy & procedure as a minimum requisite for all leaders, managers, supervisors and front-line employees. When all employees understand what is expected of them and they further understand that executive leadership endorses and monitors “the training directive” - individual as well as team accountability rises to a new-norm.

With this, some companies consider in-depth training as an unnecessary expense and expect new-hire employees to simply learn on-the-job from supervisors or other on-duty personnel. Often, this type of training, or the lack thereof, or the lack of consistent and documented training (for all employees) is considered inadequate and will inevitably foster unwelcome risks, problems, issues, concerns, challenges and legal liabilities.

More often than not, employees are interested in performing their jobs well to advance the company, feel a sense of pride for a job well done, and promote their career or position. When there is no training or inadequate training, employees often do not fully understand how to do their job and most goals become distorted, if not defeated from the start. Ultimately, a lack of training leads to low morale among workers, which results in employee turnover. A company with a reputation for high employee turnover becomes unattractive to applicants, employees, clients, and prospective clients.

Additionally, bottom line results are often compromised if not lowered when employees don’t know enough to do their jobs with confidence. Unskilled employees can spend considerable time seeking guidance or alternately perform tasks to their limited understanding resulting in risk and/or a detriment to the company. Conversely, supervisors and other cohorts will need to spend more time assisting unskilled workers, which detracts from their work and increases the amount of time necessary to effect or complete a day’s work. Ineffective processes generally lead to errors, oversights, mistakes, losses, damages, and personal injuries to name just a few.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that untrained workers are more susceptible to on-the-job injuries. In general, injuries and deaths occur when workers lack the necessary training, knowledge, skills, and personal protective equipment required to effectively perform their job.

A company that does not effectively train its staff can expect an increase in operational costs and miscellaneous expenses. These losses can include the cost of medical attention for staff due to an injury, reimbursement to customers or the general public for their loss due to an employee’s negligence, wrongful actions, or inactions, and the cost of defending the company before, during, or after a lawsuit.

Untrained employees rarely produce quality results. Untrained employees generally lack the skills to provide adequate customer service, much less, superior customer service which in today’s competitive marketplace differentiates winners from losers.

In the end, executive leadership must endorse then ensure that all training within the organization is Applicable, Effective, and Documented as Success is Always Job 1.


Security (100) 2 Hours I .2 CEU

Security Officer Basics

Security (100) - “Security Officer Basics” is a 22 Module Training Program intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers as a baseline introduction as well as precursor to Security (101) - S/O in the Know.

Security (100) is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee, and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (100) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Module 1Introduction
Module 2Defining Security
Module 3The "Security Officer" Today
Module 4The Law
Module 5Authority to Question, Detain, Search, Seize, and Arrest
Module 6Professionalism, Ethics, and Business Conduct
Module 7Uniforms and Equipment
Module 8Safety and Health
Module 9Protection of People and Assets
Module 10Physical Security (Barriers, Fences, Walls, Doors, Locks, and Devices)
Module 11Detect, Deter, Observe, and Report
Module 12Communications (Verbal and Written)
Module 13Mobile Assignments (Foot Patrol and Vehicular Patrol)
Module 14Static Assignments (Stationary Monitoring and Managing)
Module 15Emergency Response
Module 16Fire (Characteristics, Prevention, Detection, and Response)
Module 17Customer Service and Public Relations
Module 18Conflict Resolution
Module 19Policies and Procedures
Module 20Reports and Forms
Module 21Internal Communiations
Module 22   Summary

Security (100) is an accredited two hour training program. The time to successfully complete the program is based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or (24) hours.

Security (100) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($125.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 60 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (100) Training Program


Security (101) 5 Hours I .5 CEU

S/O in the Know

Security (101) - "S/O in the Know" is a 26 Module Training Program intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers as a formal Introduction to Security. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (101) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: The History of Security
Module 3: The "Security Officer" Today
Module 4: The Law
Module 5: Authority to Question, Detain, Search, Seize, and Arrest
Module 6: Professionalism, Ethics, and Business Conduct
Module 7: Uniforms and Equipment
Module 8: Safety and Health
Module 9: Protection of People and Assets
Module 10: Physical Security (Barriers, Fences, Walls, Doors, Locks, and Devices)
Module 11: Detect, Deter, Observe, and Report
Module 12: Communications (Verbal and Written)
Module 13: Mobile Assignments (Foot Patrol and Vehicular Patrol)
Module 14: Static Assignments (Stationary Monitoring and Managing)
Module 15: Interaction with Law Enforcement
Module 16: Emergency Response
Module 17: Fire (Characteristics, Prevention, Detection, and Response)
Module 18: Customer Service and Public Relations
Module 19: Conflict Resolution
Module 20: Verbal De-Escalation
Module 21: Use of Force Continuum
Module 22:     Situational Awareness and Reviewing Your Role
Module 23:     Policies and Procedures
Module 24: Reports and Forms
Module 25:     Internal Communications
Module 26:    Summary

Security (101) is an accredited five hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (101) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars ($275.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 155 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (101) Training Program


Security (102) 1 Hour | .1 CEU

Lessons Learned

Security (102) - “Lessons Learned” is a Multi-topic Training Program intended for use by all U.S. employed Private Security (Officers, Supervisors, and Managers) in addition to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (102) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Security (102) and all contents including, but not limited to: Common Mistakes, Opinions, and Recommended Solutions are designed to reduce if not eliminate the potential of falling prey to mistakes and/or oversights that can challenge (new-hire) as well as (senior-level) security personnel resulting in countless: issues, problems and/or concerns.

Program Curriculum:

Lessons Learned is divided into five (5) sub-categories, each of which are designed to “provoke thought” as well as “build a baseline of education” to help reduce, if not eliminate, the exposure to unintended or undesired results as showcased below:

(1.) New-Hire Employment / On-Going Employment
(2.) Company Guidelines
(3.) Legal, Ethical, Moral
(4.) On-The-Job
(5.) Know Your Role

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be introduced to:

  • Injury, Impairment, Death
  • Property Loss, Property Damage
  • Business Disruption
  • Breach of Contract
  • Termination
  • Loss of License
  • Personal Liability
  • Civil Liability
  • Criminal Liability

Security (102) is an accredited one hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (102) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA at no cost, free of charge. In lieu of payment, the use of Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code: FREE should be used after successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of CIN Code submittal.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 40 question program. Security (102) Lessons Learned is not an exam rather a comprehensive reading exercise that urges participants to comprehend and benefit from the recommendations as presented. With this, PSPA finds all content to be fundamental, relevant, lawful, and recognized as industry leading best practices.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (102) Training Program


Security (103) 4 Hours I .4 CEU

Workplace Safety | Fundamental Awareness

Security (103) - "Workplace Safety I Fundamental Awareness" is a 4 Lesson Training Program designed to provide employees with a fundamental awareness of Safety in/around the workplace, define who is responsible for personal safety, define everyone's part in providing a safe work environment, and define general procedures to follow to better ensure personal safety. Providing Workplace Safety is a growing concern with Employees, Employers, and the Federal Government. This course is designed to help you understand your safety rights and responsibilities and what you can do to safeguard your own well-being on-the-job, both in your regular workplace in addition to permanent and/or temporary deployments.

Security (103) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (103) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Safety is Everyone's Business
Lesson 2: Workplace Safety - Doing Your Part
Lesson 3: Workplace Safety - When You're Deployed
Lesson 4: Workplace Safety - Emergency Procedures

Security (103) is an accredited four hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (103) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 50 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (103) Training Program


Security (104) 3 Hours I .3 CEU

Workplace Risk | Fundamental Awareness

Security (104) - "Workplace Risk I Fundamental Awareness" is a 3 Lesson Training Program designed to provide employees with a fundamental awareness of Risk in/around the workplace as well as their personal life. Workplace Risk is a growing concern with Employees, Employers, and the Federal Government. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the department of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set the standards for all U.S. employers to follow in providing a safe workplace free and/or reduced from employee risk.

Security (104) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (104) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Risk Management
Lesson 2: Basic Risk Management Concepts
Lesson 3: Risk Communication

Security (104) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (104) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 25 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (104) Training Program


Security (105) 2 Hours I .2 CEU

Workplace Violence | Fundamental Awareness

Security (105) - "Workplace Violence I Fundamental Awareness" is a 5 Topic Training Program designed as an introduction to violence in the workplace, how to recognize the warning signs, and what actions can be taken to prevent or minimize acts of violence. Preventing Workplace Violence is a growing concern with Employees, Employers, and the Federal Government. Workplace Violence is often thought of as a physical attack. However, it also includes threats, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior, oral or written statements, and gestures or expressions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm.

Security (105) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (105) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

  • Definition of Workplace Violence
  • Types of Workplace Violence
  • Warning Signs
  • Action Steps in Response to Workplace Violence
  • Prevention Resources

Security (105) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (105) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 25 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (105) Training Program


Security (106) 3 Hours I .3 CEU

Improving Workplace Security

Security (106) - "Improving Workplace Security" is a 4 Lesson Training Program designed to provide basic guidance to individuals and organizations on how to improve Security within a workplace. The program focuses upon four common Threats and describes measures you can take in each area to promote a more secure work environment. By the end of this program, participants should be able to: identify potential risks to workplace security, describe measures for improving workplace security, and determine the actions to take in response to a security breach.

Security (106) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (106) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Access & Security Control Threats
Lesson 2: Criminal & Terrorist Threats
Lesson 3: Workplace Violence Threats
Lesson 4: Information & Cyber Threats

Security (106) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (106) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 30 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (106) Training Program


Security (201) 1/2 Hour | .05 CEU

Motor Vehicle Protocol

Security (201) - "Motor Vehicle Protocol" is a Vetting Program designed for use by all operators of motor vehicles. Within the private security industry, a number of positions require the operation of a motor vehicle. The program is intended to aid in the validation of an individual’s general knowledge regarding the Legal Aspects and Safe Operation of a Motor Vehicle.

Security (201) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (201) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.


This Motor Vehicle Program is designed to cover a mid-range volume of material that is considered minimum Motor Vehicle, Operating Standards. The specific laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing a driver of a motor vehicle (based on state law, jurisdiction or company policy) must be taken into consideration and may prevail or supersede these common practices where applicable. Additionally, it must be understood that PSPA recommends that employers of drivers further certify an employee’s: Driving Eligibility (via License Verification), Driving History (via Records Check), and Driving Ability (via Hands-On Field Instruction) prior to the operating of any motorized vehicle.

Security (201) is an accredited 1/2 hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (201) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 10 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (201) Training Program


Security (202) 1 Hour | .1 CEU

Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Protocol

Security (202) - "Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Protocol" is a Training Program intended for use by all operators of any motorized or electric transportation device. Within the private security industry, a number of positions require the operation of a Golf Cart and/or Utility Type Vehicle. This Program and accompanying Examination has been designed to aid in the training and validation of an individual’s general knowledge regarding the Legal Aspects and Safe Operation of a Golf Cart and/or Utility Type Vehicle.

Security (202) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (202) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.


This Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Program and all contents herein, including, but not limited to: Educational Briefings and Test Questions are designed to cover a mid-range volume of material that are considered minimum Operating Standards. The specific laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing a driver of a Golf Cart and/or Utility Type Vehicle (based on state law, jurisdiction or company policy) must be taken into consideration and may prevail or supersede these common practices where applicable. Additionally, it must be understood that PSPA recommends that employers of drivers further certify an employee’s: Driving Eligibility (via License Verification), Driving History (via Records Check), and Driving Ability (via Hands-On Field Instruction) prior to the operating of any motorized or electric transportation device.

Security (202) is an accredited one hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual's overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (202) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The successful completion of Security (201) is a prerequisite to Security (202). The payment of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 20 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Security (202) Training Program
Prerequisite > Successful completion of the Security (201) Training Program


Security (203) 1 Hour | .1 CEU

Bicycle and Tricycle Protocol

Security (203) - "Bicycle and Tricycle Protocol" is a Training Program intended for use by all operators of any bicycle or tricycle. Within the private security industry, a number of positions require the operation of a bicycle and/or tricycle. This Program and accompanying Examination has been designed to aid in the training and validation of an individual’s general knowledge regarding the Legal Aspects and Safe Operation of a Manually Operated Bicycle and/or Tricycle.

Security (203) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (203) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.


This Bicycle and Tricycle Program and all contents herein, including, but not limited to: Educational Briefings and Test Questions are designed to cover a mid-range volume of material that are considered minimum Operating Standards. The specific laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing an operator of a bike or trike (based on state law, jurisdiction or company policy) must be taken into consideration and may prevail or supersede these common practices where applicable. Additionally, it must be understood that PSPA recommends that employers of operators further certify an employee’s operational capability through a formal Hands-On Field Instruction Program.

Security (203) is an accredited one hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (203) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The successful completion of Security (201) and (202) is a prerequisite to Security (203). The payment of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 20 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (203) Training Program
Prerequisite > Successful completion of the Security (201) and (202) Training Program


Security (301) 2 Hours I .2 CEU

Workplace Diversity

Security (301) - "Workplace Diversity" is a 5 Part Training Program designed to introduce the positive attributes of employing a diverse workforce. Workplace Diversity can be described as an inclusive environment in which a business leverages diversity to achieve mission goals and business objectives, while embracing the contributions and potential of every member of the organization.  Diversity means acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating the variety of characteristics that make each of us unique. By valuing our differences, we strengthen our commonalities including a shared mission of living and working together as a unified workforce and society.

Security (301) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (301) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define diversity
  • Describe how diversity benefits us individually and collectively
  • Describe how diversity benefits employers and employees
  • Describe how culture influences our interactions with others
  • Describe the actions you can take to optimize diversity

Security (301) is an accredited two hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (301) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 25 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (301) Training Program


Security (302) 4 Hours I .4 CEU

Communications | Verbal and Nonverbal

Security (302) - "Communications I Verbal & Nonverbal" is a comprehensive 4 Lesson Training Program designed to improve verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The ability to effectively communicate is fundamental and expected, especially for those employed within the Private Security Industry.

Security (302) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (302) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

Lesson 1: Identify factors that contribute to and detract from effective communication
Lesson 2: Develop a strategy to ensure successful emergency communication
Lesson 3: Identify strategies for communicating effectively in emergency situations
Lesson 4: Identify strategies for improving oral presentation skills

Security (302) is an accredited four hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (302) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($225.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 50 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (302) Training Program


Security (303) 4 Hours I .4 CEU

Communications | Report Writing

Security (303) - "Communications I Report Writing" is a comprehensive 5 Lesson Training Program designed to introduce participants to the: who, what, when, where, why and how of effective report writing. Report writing is an essential skill for professionals in almost every field: security, police, accounting, teaching, and the lists go on. A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. It should be easy to read, and be professional in its presentation. What you include in your report and how you present it will vary according to your discipline and the specific purpose of the report.

Security (303) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (303) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Report Writing in Private Security
Lesson 2: Writing an Incident Report (The Who, What, When, Where, Why & How)
Lesson 3: Sample Incident Report - The "Slip and Fall"
Lesson 4: Ten Report Writing Tips
Lesson 5: Formal Report Writing

Security (303) is an accredited four hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (303) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($225.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 30 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (303) Training Program


Security (401) 4 Hours I .4 CEU

Aligning Security & Customer Service

Security (401) - "Aligning Security & Customer Service" is a comprehensive 7 Lesson Training Program which introduces the use of body language, human behavior, and motivation to better understand people. The incorporation of public relations and superior customer service techniques are then introduced to further align security personnel in their quest for achieving desired results. To that end, this course incorporates the concept of understanding people to drive Best-in-Class: security programs, people, and related services.

Security can be defined as the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as, but not limited to, a person, residence, building, community, group, city, state, nation, or organization.

Public Relations can be defined as the practice of managing the distribution of information between an individual or an organization and the general public.

Customer Service can be defined as the provision of service to customers before, during, and after a purchase or exchange. A company’s most vital asset is its customers. Without customers, a company will not prosper much less exist.

Security (401) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (401) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: The "Security Officer" Today
Lesson 2: Security and Public Relations
Lesson 3: A Fundamental Understanding of Body Language
Lesson 4: A Fundamental Understanding of Human Behavior
Lesson 5: A Fundamental Understanding of Human Motivation
Lesson 6: Security and Customer Service
Lesson 7: Delivering Superior Customer Service

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define security
  • Understand the general duties of today’s security officer
  • Define public relations
  • Understand public relations within security
  • Acquire a familiarity with body language
  • Acquire a familiarity with human behavior
  • Acquire a familiarity with human motivation
  • Define customer service
  • Understand customer service within security
  • Develop skills to deliver superior customer service

Security (401) is an accredited four hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (401) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($225.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 80 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (401) Training Program


Security (501) 5 Hours I .5 CEU

Supervision | Theory and Application

Security (501) - "Supervision | Theory and Application" is a comprehensive 9 Lesson Training Program which examines a number of widely accepted supervisory theories and traits of the effective supervisor. The ability to supervise others, to motivate them and commit their energies and expertise to achieving the shared mission and goals of the business enterprise is a necessary and vital role of every supervisor.

Security (501) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (501) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: The "Supervisor" Defined
Lesson 2: Supervision "Theory"
Lesson 3: Security Supervision
Lesson 4: Characteristics of an Effective Supervisor
Lesson 5: Qualities of an Effective Supervisor
Lesson 6: Skills of an Effective Supervisor
Lesson 7: Strategies for Becoming More Effective
Lesson 8: Establishing Your Style of Supervision
Lesson 9: Teamwork

Security (501) is an accredited five hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (501) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 50 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (501) Training Program


Security (502) 5 Hours I .5 CEU

Leadership | Theory and Application

Security (502) - "Leadership I Theory and Application" is a comprehensive 6 Lesson Training Program designed to improve leadership and influential skills.

Security (502) is intended for use by all Security Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (502) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Leadership from Within
Lesson 3: Facilitating Change
Lesson 4: Building and Rebuilding Trust
Lesson 5: Using Personal Influence and Political Savvy
Lesson 6: Fostering an Environment for Leadership Development

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Explain what leadership means
  • Explain why effective leadership begins with personal insight and development
  • Identify your leadership capabilities and areas for personal development
  • Describe a change management model and the process for planning, communicating, and implementing change
  • Describe how to build and rebuild trust in an organization
  • Use personal influence and develop political savvy to network and influence people effectively
  • Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment that fosters leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement in others

Security (502) is an accredited five hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (502) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 50 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (502) Training Program


Security (601) 1 1/2 Hours I .15 CEU

Active Shooter by USA-DHS

Security (601) - “Active Shooter by USA-DHS” is an educational course designed to provide guidance to all individuals, so they can prepare to respond to an active shooter situation. An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined space or other populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

Security (601) in its entirety, with exception of the examination, is provided by the United Stated of America - Department of Homeland Security and hosted by PSPA as an educational awareness program.

Security (601) is a multi-topic Training Program intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (601) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and responding law enforcement officials
  • Recognize potential workplace violence indicators
  • Describe actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents
  • Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident

On behalf of PSPA, it is important to understand, the contents of this course is generic in nature and may or may not be applicable to any future active shooting event. PSPA recommends that building owners, employers, and managers develop site-specific programs to best meet the needs of facility occupants when it comes to safety and security. Furthermore, PSPA endorses personal responsibility in all that we do. PSPA recommends that our members as well as the public-at-large, always seek knowledge, additional study, coaching, and the practice of self-educating to best ensure their individual safety and security as well as those with whom they may serve.

Security (601) is an accredited one and one-half hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (601) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA at no cost, free of charge. In lieu of payment, the use of Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code: FREE should be used after successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of CIN Code submittal.

A minimum proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 25 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (601) Training Program


Security (602) 3 Hours I .3 CEU

Terrorism I A Comprehensive Introduction

Security (602) - "Terrorism I A Comprehensive Introduction" is a Multi-topic Training Program designed to introduce as well as improve an individual’s understanding of terrorism and its vast network of complexity.

Security (602) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (602) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

  • Terrorism Defined
  • The History of Terrorism
  • Negative Meanings of Terrorism
  • Types of Terrorism
  • Tactics of Terrorists
  • Weapons of Terrorism
  • Today’s Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Current Trends in Terrorism
  • Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide
  • United States Threat Assessment
  • Foreign and Domestic Terrorists
  • Detecting a Terrorist Attack
  • Terrorist Methodology
  • Increasing Complexity of Terrorist Attacks
  • Likely Targets for Terrorist Attacks
  • Motivation of Terrorists
  • Democracy and Domestic Terrorism
  • Religious Terrorism
  • Intimate Terrorism
  • Perpetrators of Terrorism
  • Terrorism and its Connection to Tourism
  • The Funding of Terrorism
  • Mass Media and Terrorism
  • Responses to Terrorism
  • Response to Terrorism in the United States
  • Protecting America from Terrorist Attack
  • Definitions of Terrorism in the United States Code

Security (602) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (602) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 30 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (602) Training Program


Security (603) 3 Hours I .3 CEU

Counterterrorism | What You Should Know

Security (603) - "Counterterrorism I What You Should Know" is a Multi-topic Training Program designed to introduce as well as improve an individual’s understanding of counterterrorism and its vast network of complexity.

Security (603) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (603) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

  • The History of Counterterrorism
  • Combating Fear and Being Prepared
  • Concepts, Community and Partners
  • Intelligence
  • The Intelligence Community
  • The Law Enforcement Community
  • Counterterrorism Organizations
  • Fusion Centers
  • Distinguishing JTTFs and Fusion Centers
  • Infra-Gard
  • Protective Security Advisors
  • National Counterterrorism Center
  • Getting the Word Out
  • Partners in Response and Continuity Planning
  • Planning
  • Legal Contexts
  • Preemptive Neutralization
  • Non-Military
  • Military
  • Preparation
  • Target-Hardening
  • Command and Control
  • Damage Mitigation
  • Local Safety
  • Medical Services
  • Tactical Units
  • Designing Counterterrorism Systems
  • Law Enforcement / Police
  • Counterterrorism and American Law Enforcement
  • Country Reports on Terrorism / Bureau on Counterterrorism
  • National Terrorism Advisory System
  • Protect Your Workplace

Security (603) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (603) is available to all "Registered" Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 30 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (603) Training Program


Security (604) 4 Hours I .4 CEU

Counterterrorism I What You Should Do

Security (604) - “Counterterrorism I What You Should Do” is a Multi-topic Training Program designed to introduce as well as improve an individual’s understanding of what to do as a private security professional and citizen, as a civic duty to assist in our nation’s war on terror. Today, U.S citizens comprise a diverse nation of people and cultural beliefs. Safety and Security within the borders of our homeland underpin the privilege of living a lifestyle free to exist in a state of peace. With this said, it becomes beneficial for everyone, especially the private security professional to better understand the rights of fellow citizens (residents and visitors alike) in addition to the rights, laws, rules, and regulations that govern an individual’s public and private liberties.

Security (604) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (604) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

  • How You Can Help - The Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • What You Should Do - As a Private Security Professional
  • What You Should Do - As a Private Security Organization
  • What You Should Do - As a Security Leader / Be Prepared
  • What You Should Do - Becoming Familiar with U.S. Law
  • What You Should Do - Becoming Familiar with U.S. Law Enforcement
  • What You Should Do - Becoming Familiar with the U.S. Intelligence Community
  • What You Should Do - Becoming Familiar with the U.S. Constitution
  • What You Should Do - Becoming Familiar with Your Rights as a U.S. Citizen

Security (604) is an accredited four hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (604) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A minimum proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 50 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (604) Training Program


Security (701) 3 Hours I .3 CEU

Suspicious Behavior Awareness

Security (701) - “Suspicious Behavior Awareness” is a Multi-topic Training Program designed to introduce as well as improve an individual’s understanding of suspicious behavior as well as criminal and/or terrorist related surveillance.

Security (701) is intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers. The program is also applicable to Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (701) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

  • Introduction
  • Citizen Awareness
  • Law Enforcement Awareness
  • Human Profiling
  • Suspicion Indicators
  • Adversarial Surveillance
  • Observing and Reporting
  • If You See Something, Say Something
  • Summary

Security (701) is an accredited three hour training program. The estimated time to successfully complete the program varies based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or twenty four (24) hours.

Security (701) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 80% is required to pass the 30 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (701) Training Program


Security (801) 1 Hour I .1 CEU


Security (801) - “DHS Basics: MTSA, CFATS, TWIC, & MARSEC” is a 12 Module Training Program intended for use by all Security Officers, Supervisors, and Managers as well as Employers and Clients who: own, manage, oversee, and/or engage security programs, security personnel, or life safety services.

Security (801) is intended to set-the-bar with a consistent and minimum level of training and education regardless of, and supplemental to, any such lesser standard, or lack thereof, which may be required or endorsed by state mandate or company protocol.

Program Curriculum:

Module 1 Introduction
Module 2 Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Module 3 Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA)
Module 4 Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
Module 5 Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)
Module 6 Maritime Security (MARSEC)
Module 7 Site Security Plan (SSP)
Module 8 Sample: TWIC Orientation
Module 9 Sample: TWIC Access Control and Personnel Escorts
Module 10 Sample: TWIC Screening: People, Vehicles, and Containers
Module 11 Sample: Coast Guard Inspection Questions
Module 12      Summary

Security (801) is an accredited one hour training program. The time to successfully complete the program is based upon an individual’s overall educational ability and pre-existing industry experience. There are no time limits for completion however we recommend completing the entire program during one uninterrupted session or within one (1) day or (24) hours.

Security (801) is available to all “Registered” Individual Members of PSPA. The payment of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) or the use of a pre-approved Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Code is due only upon successful completion of the entire program. Certificates of Completion (denoting credit hours) are available immediately after receipt of payment.

A proficiency score of 100% is required to pass the 20 question examination.

Click Here - To Start Your Security (801) Training Program

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Private Security Professionals of America® (PSPA)                      

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