Apartment Security

June 13, 2015 - Jeff Jarred
Some people who live in apartments tend to overlook the necessity of their own security. This can be due to many different factors most of which are offered by the particular apartment complex. There are many apartments that have security guards monitoring the premises at all times. Also, there might be combination locks that require a multi-digit key number in order to enter the front door. Another common reason apartment renters believe that they will not be broken into is because their neighbors are so close that they would see or hear if something suspicious is going on. However, apartments can be just a susceptible to break-ins and robberies as a house.
Apartment burglaries usually occur either during the day when no one is home or at night when the apartment looks empty. The most frequently broken into apartments are located on the first and second floors. Any apartment that is located on the first or even second story, depending on the building, can be very easy to get broken into. Both the first and second story apartments can usually be broken into through any open doors or windows. Over 30 percent of apartment burglars got into the apartment through the open window or door. The items that were stolen were watches, jewelry, laptops, iPods, CD's and other small items of importance. The robberies usually take place to cover the expenses of the robber. Even if the renter has renters insurance it is usually impossible to remember all of the belongings that were stolen unless he/she had a list of all of the valuable items in the apartment.
Since apartments can be broken into easily, renters should look to take matters into their own hands for added protection. A LaserShield starter kit could be perfect for the apartment. The starter kit could be the perfect solution to keep the burglars out of the apartment for good. The starter kit comes with the master unit which sounds the 105 decibel alarm; en extra wireless detection unit which can detect an intruder up to 1200 square feet; two keychain remotes that can arm, disarm, and turn on the panic; battery back-up which can work for up to 12 hours without power. The master unit will also contact the Rapid Response Monitoring Service if the alarm goes off. This is perfect for the apartment since most robberies happen when no one is at the apartment. If the alarm goes off the Rapid Response will contact you and if there is no answer they will contact the local authorities. The LaserShield units should be set up to cover the sliding door(s) in the apartment, the front door and the master or main bedroom. This would cover all of the easily and frequently broken into areas. It would also protect the more expensive jewelry and other valuables that would be located in the bedroom.
Overall, getting a LaserShield starter kit could easily protect all of your priceless artifacts. The system could also lower your renters insurance since the place is much less likely to get broken into and robbed. Having the system will also give you the sense that you are safe at night especially if you live alone or in a rough neighborhood. The system will watch over the house when you go to work or on vacation and allow you to come home knowing that there is nothing stolen.
Lasershielddirect.com provides more information about the advantages of home security and even apartment security, to get expert advice visit Lasershield today!