It is human nature to desire to feel secure in the world we live in. This motivational factor has been born in all living beings for centuries; which has become a hierarchy of needs adapted by Abraham Maslow in the 1940's - 1950's. His theory determined Human Beings motivational need for safety was high on his Hierarchy of Needs (Abraham Maslow, 1970). People want to feel safe and secure i
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A mistake in hiring of an employee can pose significant liability for a hotel establishment. Background checks provide a measure of assurance that the applicant does not have indicators of behavior or risk which may undermine security and safety of guests or compromise the establishment’s business. However, background checks can also expose employers to charges of discrimination. It is impor
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Luxury properties are wrought with upscale amenities from lavish architecture and furnishings designed to transform your world, exotic ingredients and foods to satisfy even the most squeamish and discerning palates, rare wines and cocktails procured specifically to take guests on a euphoric journey. Even what you smell, what is in the air, has been carefully selected to entice guests to embrace th
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Helpful interviewing and information gathering techniques can be vital to inquiries of significance to organizational, individual or other concerns. This article discusses information relating to successful interviewing and information gathering as well as challenges that could detract from attaining important information.
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In a world of extremes the hotel executive isn’t immune regardless of the city or state they are located. As nightly news broadcasts provide the details of the latest flood or hurricane, terrorist threat, cyber attack or deadly food alert, the hotel executive must anticipate and plan for the unthinkable. Why, because it may unfortunately become a reality at the property or because the guests
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The guests that rent rooms in our hotels have an expectation that the proprietor has done some form of due diligence in screening the employees who have access to their valued possessions left in a hotel room. It really does not matter to them that you may provide an in room safe, install expensive door hardware and have appropriate window stops if you have not taken the time to investigate the em
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Anyone in the private security field will tell you the first thing you need is a solid plan. Few people realize, however, that the security plan should ideally begin before ground is broken or the first concrete footing is poured. Architects and designers are always creating buildings with elaborate features and unique materials, accentuating a room or building with ostentatious decor and distinct
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Guest safety and security are not the sole responsibility of a property’s security or risk management team. Every hotel employee plays a role in maintaining the security of the property and its guests. Therefore, training in basic security awareness and response is a necessary component of every employee’s orientation and continued training, no matter what department they work in. Secu
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Hotel Executives are not expected to be insurers of guests’ safety and security; however they do have a legal duty to provide reasonable measures for their protection. Decisions about security staffing or physical security measures should not be based solely on cost implications or occupancy levels, but instead should be based on a risk assessment that determines both the threats to the hote
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Hotels face a universal challenge: how to manage security without encroaching on guests’ privacy, comfort and experience. Safeguarding hotel guests requires a multi-pronged security program that starts with a well-trained staff and includes security officers, closed circuit television systems, electronic access control and appropriate lighting and landscaping that ensures the identification
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