How to Effectively Manage High Rise Buildings

By Ryan T Thompson | Submitted On April 26, 2011
Property management calls for skills, creativity, knowledge and the right attitude towards the job as it can be very challenging and tedious at times. The management of high rise units tends to be a bit complicated as compared to handling low rise units, hence the need to come up with the right strategies and plans to make the handling of the property easier.
The advantage of high rise buildings is that they can handle a large number of people bringing in more profits. They also help in the proper utilization of the space available seeing that they occupy a small piece of land and still manage to accommodate hundreds of people. This has become a very popular thing with most real estate investors as they have the drive to achieve their profits making use of every chance that they have in doing so.
It is however very important to note that high rise buildings call for more attention and dedication, especially in making them safe since in case of any danger, greater number of people will be at risk compared to the low rise ones. The management of these buildings therefore has to be very effective from the time they are in their initiation to the time they are fully occupied. There are few effective ways of properly managing the challenging units.
Security plays a major role in the high rise buildings and should therefore be made a priority by the owner and the management team. The buildings call for added measures when it comes to security as it involves a very large number of tenants; hence it can be hard to monitor every move creating risks of strangers coming in. The security can be enhanced by adding lights, installing video monitors, coming up with identification procedures as well as creating barricades to generally protect the residents.
Safety plans
Unlike low rise buildings where evacuation can be easy in case of things such as fires, high rise buildings carry higher risks without the proper amenities in place. This means that for the building to be safe, all measures must be taken into consideration. Besides having the right materials to deal with the different possible disasters, evacuation must be made easy by coming up with easy to access exits. There must at least be a safety plan for the residents and they should be made aware of it just in case the situation calls for it.
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