Security Related Technological Innovations for Cargo and Logistics

June 07, 2014 - Pooja John
Nowadays, one of the greatest concerns of manufacturers and shipping companies is associated with the security of the consignments. Pirates attacking container vessels and other ships have become common nowadays, particularly along the western coasts of Africa. Recent years have also witnessed an alarming increase in maritime crimes. All these factors point towards the lack of adequate security in the ships. If we closely analyze each and every ship-hijack cases, we can come into the conclusion that security lapse was quite evident. There is lack of security both in terms of manpower and technology. In connection with security personnel, there is no other option than deploying adequate armed security guards to ensure protection of the ship. But when it comes to technological aspects related to security, there is much to do.
Recent years have seen a lot of technological advancements in the field of shipping related security. The present scenario has made it compulsory and a "must-do" for the shipping concerns to make use of these latest technological advancements. The implementation of these technological innovations can help the shipping companies and insurance providers in the long run as they can control or put a stop to the looting of ships. This article will let you know some of the latest innovations that are put into practice by various shipping companies.
Geofencing facility
As the name suggests, the route followed by the carrier vessel is tracked by means of a "virtual fencing" mechanism. The tracking facility is established right from the starting point up till the destination of the carrier. This tracking is done by GPS and it lets the concerned authorities keep track of the movements of the vessel or ship. The tracking system sends alert messages to the authorities even at the event of slightest deviation of the ship from the already fixed route.
Electronic sealing systems
These electronic seals can produce alarm messages and inform the authorities of any attempt to break the seal of the containers. These are actually devices that are installed onto the body of containers. These devices, once installed work for several days without any interruption.
The system to track shipment
These tracking systems have a very user-friendly and interactive interface that can be customized to suite your requirements. The greatest advantage of these tracking systems is that you can have a clear-cut idea about the exact position and details regarding the shipment, irrespective of the time. The user may get to know the details about shipment like what it is, where it is being sent, quantity being sent, details regarding the consignee, the source country and many. The shipment tracking system can produce alert messages at the time of important events associated with shipping like arrival and delivery of the freight, the time of loading etc. The users can make use of the product code and purchase order number to keep track of the operations online. These systems make use of secured password for the purpose of communication and therefore ensure maximum security.
Blue Tree Systems is an international Logistics Software development company, dedicated to deliver innovative software solutions to the logistics world.
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