White Glove Security Approach Enhances Patient Satisfaction

December 03, 2014 – Ken Bukowski
Did you know that what you say, how you say it and what you do significantly impacts the outcome of a patient’s interaction with you and their satisfaction? Patient engagement and therefore, patient satisfaction does not end with the medical staff. It is important for security officers to have a positive relationship with patients as well. Their interactions will impact patient satisfaction scores.
Encourage your security team to have a White Glove approach - a security mindset with a concierge philosophy. Security officers that focus on their level of customer service don’t blend into the hustle and bustle of a hospital. They are on the front lines being helpful, giving directions, holding open doors and walking visitors to a hard-to-find location – all with a smile. These officers are usually the first person visitors and patients encounter when they enter a hospital and the last person who says goodbye as they leave. Hospitals should be taking advantage of the added level of customer service a security officer can provide.
There are two benefits to this approach. First, it increases the positive interactions patients and visitors have with the hospital. Secondly, it heightens the presence of your security team with those visiting as well as with your clinical staff. Your officers will be noticed more often when they are seen interacting with individuals in a positive manner.
Patient care expectations are very high, and people are empowered more than ever when it comes to choosing their healthcare provider. Hospitals understand that patients will shop around and go to the facility that provides them with the best experience. Encourage your security team to provide a White Glove approach as part of your efforts to ensure that patients and visitors have the best experience possible while at your facility.
Bukowski is the vice president of healthcare, AlliedBarton Security Services.
See more at: https://www.healthcarefacilitiestoday.com/posts/White-glove-security-approach-enhances-patient-satisfaction-Safety-and-Security--7431#sthash.XikWCjLe.dpuf